Quick reference

TableDefinition Methods

Method Description
addColumn(columnConfig) Adds a column to the table.
addField(dataProperty, title, fieldConfig) or addField(dataProperty, title) or addField(dataProperty) Adds a field to a column. dataProperty is the name of the property in the data, title is the header.
class(classList) Adds the passed classes to the field.
formatter(formatter) Applies the passed formatter to the field.
titleFormatter(formatter) Applies the passed formatter to the field's header.
nullOrUndefinedDisplayValue(value) Defines what to display instead of null or undefined if it occurs.
sortable() Marks the field as sortable. Does not yet support multi-sorting. You need to bind "sorting" property of the table to update the table's sorting.

Table properties

Property Description
data The data you want to display in the table. Type: Array of normal or JSON objects.
definition The definition of the table made through the TableDefinition class. Type: TableDefinition
sorting The sorting information of the table. Type: Object containing direction and field.
device Pass a number which represents the current device. Usually going 0 - Mobile, 1 - Tablet and so on. Type: Number
mobileViewThreshold Defines below and including which number the mobile view will be displayed. Type: Number, Default: 0
isLoading Pass variable that changes to _true _when the client is waiting for response. Type: Boolean
loaderWaitTime Defines how much the loader will wait before appearing. Works as debouncer. Type: number representing milliseconds, Default: 250
wrapperClass Pass your class to the div wrapping the table. Type: String, Default: modular-table-wrapper
tableClass Pass your class to the table. Type: String, Default: modular-table
tableMobileClass Pass your class to the mobile view of the table. Type: String, Default: modular-table-mobile
loaderClass Pass your class to the div responsible for the loading. You can also access the span inside to add an animation or text. Type: String, Default: loader

Table events

Event Description
modular-table-sort If the column is sortable and its header is clicked this event will fire and carry the sort object as payload.
modular-table-row When a row is clicked this event will fire. As payload it carries the click event as first property and the data of the row as second property.

results matching ""

    No results matching ""