
The formatters are added in the field definition.

new TableDefinition()
    .addColumn(column => column
        .addField('name', 'Name', field => field

They can be normal or arrow functions that receive the value and return the formatted version. Through the formatters you can also pass HTML that will be rendered. Lets see a few examples.

const boldFormatter = value => `<b>${value}</b>`
const divFormatter = classes => value => `<div class='${classes}'>${value}</div>`

We defined a set of basic formatters that are used often. You can import them from 'vue-modular-table'.

import { divFormatter, prefixFormatter, boldFormatter } from 'vue-modular-table';

Find the formatters you need in the table below or create your own formatter fitting your specific needs.

Formatter Description
spacedBracketFormatter() Encloses the value with spaces and brackets.
nonSpacedBrackedFormatter() Encloses the value with brackets only.
bracketFormatter(spaced) The combination of the two above. Encloses the value with brackets. If true is passed in the place of spaced the value will be enclosed in spaces before the brackets.
boldFormatter() Encloses the value with "b" tag.
italicFormatter() Encloses the value with "i" tag.
suffixFormatter(suffix) Adds the passed suffix after the value.
prefixFormatter(prefix) Adds the passed prefix before the value.
divFormatter(classes) Encloses the value with "div" tag.
spanFormatter(classes) Encloses the value with "span" and adds the passed classes to it.
iconFormatter(classes) Adds "i" tag applying the passed classes, before the value.
spanIconFormatter(spanClasses, iconClasses) Adds tag "i" applying the passed iconClasses and encloses it with "span" tag applying the passed spanClasses. All this is before the value.
linkFormatter(openInNewTab, uriPrefix) or linkFormatter(openInNewTab) or linkFormatter(uriPrefix) Encloses the value with "a" tag. openInNewTab is boolean. If true it will add "target="_blank"". uriPrefix will be added in the "href" property before the value in the "a" tag.
uppercaseFirstLetterFormatter() Makes the first char of the value uppercase.
combinedFormatter(formatters) While usually you pass one formatter, this formatter allows you to pass more and it combines them. For example: combinedFormatter(divFormatter(), suffixFormatter(' kg'))

Note: combinedFormatter allows you to pass more than one formatter.

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    No results matching ""